English Frensh Arabic
English Frensh Arabic
Study prepared by: Marie Schneider Migration from Tunisia to Germany is no new phenomenon. After being part of the guest worker scheme in the 1960s, Tunisian migrants are now part […]
Abstract It is conceivable that humanity has been waiting for this pandemic Covid-19 to express what happened from tragic mutations in order to setfree from propagandaandalsoto find out what happened […]
Abstract: This article is an attempt at comprehending and dismantling the phenomenon of violence against women in public and private spaces as well as cyberspaces during the Covid-19-induced quarantine. We […]
Abstract Given the difficult situation of social, economic and political fragility that Tunisia has gone through and is still going through in a context where migration policies remain arbitrary for […]
Abstract Tunisia, like all other countries around the world, was subjected to an epidemic invasion, covid 19, which terrified all mankind and claimed the lives of thousands everywhere , not […]
Abstract The pandemic caused by the Corona virus is not a problem as much as it highlights problems caused by the neoliberal systems. Since the 80s governments abandoned their social […]
Abstract : The Tunisian government insists on the fact that the Covid epidemic is the same everywhere and that we bear the same responsibility and have the same strategies to defeat […]
Abstract : Social & economic problems return usually to show up with every crisis to highlight the real cracks that exist hiddenly in our social building. In fact, those cracks are […]